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When big players in the #mainstreammedia industry are more concerned about being first to print a story without vetting it, not caring who they hurt in the process you have to ask , "Is any of their stories they printed throughout the 2 year Pandemic actually true? 

Now look it has been a gruelling 2 years during this covid pandemic and most of us relied on our mainstream media outlets to tell us the news and we trusted that news to be true and correct. 

We stayed at home following all the advice they apparently aired to us that was to protect us and for our health, but was there something sinister going on behind the scenes of that news reported and many of us are now starting to see that maybe a lot of what they told us was not the truth. 

Now I digress and will leave that covid conversation for another time. 

The important part of my blog today has to do with a young missing girl in WA ( Western Australia ) for all those visiting my blog from overseas. 

The little girl 4 years old Cleo Smith went missing from camp grounds out of the tent at sometime in the night of Friday October 15 and her mum noticed Cleo Smith gone at 6 am upon arising to give her baby sister a bottle. 

Now you  can imagine the distress the parents would have been in and the nation held it's breath for any news on the little girl. 

As the days went by with no success in the searched many people speculated especially when it came out that in that small coastal area there were over 20 registered sex offenders living. 

I will not go into the whole story except to say that roughly 7 days later the little girls was found alive and well locked in a caravan and a man had been placed in custody. You can google the story and find out more if you like. 

Here  is a good article piece on the details  The Conversation 

Point being the girls was found safe and alive and a man was in custody and this is where this story takes a very sinister dark turn. 

Now forgive me for being blazay but I was always under the belief that to be a good journalist you needed a certain amount of research skill so you could investigate your story and print the true facts of your story and on top of that the editor would also vet the story for it's truth and accuracy. APPARENTLY I WAS VERY WRONG ON THAT ASSUMPTION

Maybe I watched to many Louise Lane and Superman when I was young because today November 6 Channel 7 News published a picture of the alleged abductor only the picture they took an published as not of the man arrested but an innocent man who had nothing to do with the events or what had happened. 

Imagine that you are a totally innocent man living your life and all of a sudden you shoot to fame but not in a good way, and worse it is your own sister who alerts you to this injustice. 

Well anyway below is a great video conversation showcasing the injustice and also contains the young man sharing how this made him feel. 

The day when you realise you cannot believe a thing your long time corporate media source has been telling you because they are lazy do not investigate or research and print anything that is non factual just to be the first to release the STORY. 

A very sad and dark day in Australian Journalism and this young man is still waiting on a proper apology from this #mainstreammedia outlet 

Thanks for listening guys hope you are all well. Love and Light to you all. 

Author - Sandra Lemming

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