Hi welcome to my blog My View of Corona, I appreciate you being here and I hope you find some enjoyment an value from my posts .
So this is me laying with my gorgeous big boy Lewis who unfortunately passed away from health issues in May of 2021. This left a huge break in my heart and cry every time I see his picture. For 16 long years he was with me , travelled with me he hardly left my side and when he wasn't there I missed him terrible.
He was my best friend and I miss him
I have grand kids and am currently in between jobs at the moment thanks to the C19 virus and Pandemic that started in March 2020 in Australia.
Prior to Lewis leaving this world I use to live on a little island of the coast of Brisbane. There was no shops on the island so you had to get things shipped to the island or leave the island to do any form of shopping.
I did love the island but after Lewis died I just could not stay there any longer, I was isolated had none of my family to speak of around me and everywhere I went in that house reminded me of him. I was devastated at losing him.
God I am a complete blubbering mess just writing this.
Some Photo's from the island :
I have a ton more that I may or may not share later on. But I was on the Island at the start of the Pandemic which was good at first until the Totalitarian style governing came in which seen the people on the islands becoming even more isolated and it was so much harder to get anything .
Food prices went through the roof and the vehicle barge was just out priced in the end. Then Lewis's health declined real quick and after his death moving away from their was inevitable.
So now I live in a nice little over 5o's retirement village on the mainland closer o my kids and grand kids and while I still grieve the day I lost my mate I am able to remember all the really great moments we had together
I am unfunded at the moment in terms of work thanks to the Pandemic the corona virus and all the crazy things that have gone on so you will see a PayPal donate from time to time and if you could give a little it really does help with keeping the internet on and the blog going.
I am grateful and appreciate all of you who stop by read this far and shout me a coffee by way of my PayPal.
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