COVID-19 deaths and autopsies Feb 2020 to Dec 2021
A recently released document from England under a FOI request has shown that people in England and Wales have been lied to by media and governments throughout the whole pandemic.
Now this could be an innocent accident or it could as some believe to have been done on purpose to give the Powers at be a reason for calling a Pandemic and making billions from the sale of a trial drug that they knew wasn't going to be a defence against the Claimed Virus that was/could have possibly been released from a lab that was doing "Gain of Function Research"
Now in my personal opinion this false covid death count didn't only go on in England and Wales and I can see the False narrative Fear Porn still happening with ferocity in Australia where if you believe the lying #mainstreammedia Omicron has claimed more lives then the deadlier Alpha and Delta waves even though over 90% of the population are vaccinated and most in hospital are double and triple vaccinated, yet the unvaccinated are still being blamed for the outbreak when they are the ones still working and covering for all the off work sick vaccinated people so why is that?
Now this document is for England and Wales a population of approximately 56 million people I haven't looked it up so my estimate may be a few million off., but the document shows that for the whole time of the Pandemic from Feb 2020 to Dec 2021 the real number of people that dies from/ as a direct cause of covid was actually only 6,183 not in the hundreds of thousands like initially advertised and this is very true of all countries. They over inflated the numbers of deaths to scare you to take part in a drug trial you never would have in the first place if you had known the full truth.
COVID-19 deaths and autopsies Feb 2020 to Dec 2021 > Click Here
The full link for denial brainwashed zombies so they can't say I'm not clicking on a scam link:
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Now I am not the only one that has noticed this discrepancy, this renowned UK Doctors is also very taken aback by the exaggerated over count as well. Take a look as he tries to come to grips with a similar document that he was made aware of that came out in December showing the actual death count may only be around 17,000
- the first document is an autopsies document and I doubt every person who was listed as dying from covid had the chance to be autopsied.
- the second document was for "Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes" so I'm assuming these were just assumptions made on the tests they would have available without doing an autopsy so this number could also be overstated to some extent .
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