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Funeral Director: Speaks Out

Funeral Director: I just see the dead babies in the fridges 

Okay so let us talk a little about death and in particular the people responsible for ensuring our body and our loved ones left behind are dealt with in a kind and compassionate way. Yes I am talking about Funeral Directors you know the people who work tirelessly and deal with death every single day. 

Funeral Director and the people working at the funeral homes in my experience would have to be some of the most compassionate people I have met, always going that extra bit to ensure you send of your love one in a way that helps you find peace say goodbye and move on. 

Well lets give them a thought now and imagine how heart breaking it would be for these people if all of a sudden they were looking at more dead bodies of newborn babies and children then they could ever remember.

Imagine how hard it must be for them if they see and know what is actually causing these deaths and see the coverup happening in all sectors from Governments to hospitals, doctors and nurses. 

Then imagine them wondering what they can or should do about it. Do we speak out about it and if we do speak out will we lose our business be ridiculed threatened and silenced like the parents have been.  We only have assumptions on what we can see and no actual real hard evidence will anyone believe us. 

So think about all those in the funeral business and what they would see or not see and ask yourself if one of them or even more then one speaks out should we at least listen to what they are saying. 

Yes this blog is about the C Vaccines and in particular the disastrous effect it is having on the rise in deaths in children that funeral homes are seeing and all the dead babies bodies they are seeing in the fridges.

Conspiracy theorists were screaming loudly for pregnant mums not get the C Vax because the consequences would be dire. 

Were they right?  

If you take the time to listen to people in the funeral business then it would seem the conspiracy crowd warning of the dangers of this experimental C Vax and (yes it is still in trial phase so it is experimental) then it would seem very likely that the conspiracy crowd were actual right about the possible dangers of the C Vax in pregnant woman and young children. 

Anyway here is a very sane video I came across of an interview with a Funeral Director and even though he was trying very hard to choose his words carefully you can see the pain in his face and hear the frustration in his voice. 

I do not condone pregnant mothers or parents putting themselves or their kids in harms way personally so if I were pregnant or had young kids I definitely would not have rushed forward for this experimental C Vax even if that meant taking me and the kids off grid and living in a tent.

Time for the Video and it is not the only one from a funeral director there are a couple getting around now 

So any opinions in this blog are my own and of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when it comes to the children I am struggling to wrap my head around why any parent would offer their young child or unborn child for that fact up to an experiment that has very little data on long term effects and where death is listed as a side effect. 

What are your thoughts leave your comments below and lets get a real conversation started on this one. 

Thanks for stopping by 

Author Sandra Lemming



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