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Not Covid Deaths

 More Die in 1 Month and Not From Covid 

Okay I did some research and was shocked to find that more died in one month from everything else except from Covid.

You can imagine my surprise when I found that in the month of June 2021 over 12,000 people died from everything else but covid. I was so shocked I even put up a post on my Twitter profile sharing what I had just found . 

My Twitter Post :

Twitter Post about non-covid deaths

So the Map is from the Our World Data website which I believe to be pretty authentic and trusted and you can see on the map not one covid death in Australia for the Month of June yet 12,807 people still died in just that month alone. So all those supposed hospital beds were obviously not full of covid dying they were full of people who died from other causes.

So where did I get this information from you may be asking well I went to the Australian Bureau of Statistics websites and went to reports and scrolled through and read the whole report.  This website is an Australian Government website and the numbers in this report are very alarming 

Then I went to the World Data website selected deaths added Australia to the graph map area and removed all other countries. Then I adjusted the date slide just to the month of June in 2021 and as you see in my tweet. No covid deaths In Australia for June 2021 but according to ABS there were 12,807 deaths from other causes. 

Now if you want to get angry about anything I suggest you start to get angry about that and as you can see you have a higher risk of dying from something else that is not Covid . 

Do the research for yourself and start to see that the fear our Governments have placed in us over a virus is not real and we have been had, taken for a ride so to speak. 

When you lose the Fear you hold for death , then you will start to live life unafraid

Stop being afraid of death it will come for you eventually anyway in some way so start living your life with passion and happiness. 

Love and Light to you all. 

Sandra Lemming  

As an after thought and more investigation I discovered that the Covid Vaccines could be playing a hand in the increase of deaths and the fact that our health departments and governments have created a cult like mentality around the virus which ranks 36th as a course of death in Australia that other more serious illnesses are not being addresses and properly treated by the healthcare industry. 

We all know that the vaccines are fatal in many cases and vaccine injury and death are not rare so could that be the extra burden of death that saw June 2021 have 10% more deaths then June 2020 when we were in the peak of  the covid crises with Alpha and had absolutely no vaccines .

You would think given everything that we have been told and the level of fear generated around the COVID virus that June 2020 should have had more deaths then June 2021 wouldn't you? 

Anyway what are your thoughts on the reasons why June 2021 had 105 more deaths in Australia then June 2020.

Could it be a result of the covid vaccines adding to the death rate? there sure is evidence out there that does suggest this in the forms of videos and news articles.


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