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Showing posts from December, 2021

SHOCKING : FDA Expose Vaccine Truths

  SHOCKING : FDA Documents Expose Vaccine Truths - Health Authorities Knew How Bad it Was! I am not going to share to much of what I think about this except to say "why the hell is no-one talking about this or sharing this news on Social Media"! Overview of Important Points from Video: Pfizer Safety Data Base: Adverse Events Report  for 3 months - Dec 2020 to Feb 2021 -  Adverse Events Outcome from the Vaccine -   42,086 patients. 520 people recovered with Sequelae (long term effects) 11,361 not recovered at time of report  1223 people died from their injection in just 3 months. That is more then covid killed in 3 months in many of the smaller countries like Australia and New Zealand.  So to recap that over 31% of the covid vaccine recipients had either long term vaccine injuries and/or died from the vaccine injection.  REMEMBER THESE ARE THE DOCUMENTS THE FDA IN THE US FOUGHT IN COURT TO KEEP HIDDEN FOR THE NEXT 55 YEARS! It gets Worse...

CDC Reveals 79% of Omicron Patients Were "Fully Vaccinated"

CDC Reveals 79% of Omicron Patients Were "Fully Vaccinated", 32% Had Booster Shots! Wow what a bombshell this will be for many right. Imagine that the CDC themselves revealing that the majority of people 79% in fact to be infected with the new covid variant Omicron are actually the fully vaccinated, and then to go further and print that 39% had also had a booster shot! 😲😲  This sort of has to make you think right as to what is the point of being vaccinated or even getting the booster shot if it is going to make you sicker with the new variant then if you were not vaccinated.  Basically this Omiccron variant is being used wrongly by the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as a way to use the FEAR PORN campaign of covid that they used so well to force you to rush out and get more shots.  Because they have already purchased way to many doses and the fact is the use by date on this covid vaccine they purchased is about to run out so they needed a way to scare you...

Is This The Great Reset In Action?

Vandana Shiva: “People Are Dying Now!!” Is This The Great Reset In Action?!! I an sure you have heard all this "The Great Reset" and "The New World Order" but what does it all really mean?  We have all heard the terms The Great reset and The New World Order mentioned plenty of time by everyone from our friends and families to people on Social Media and we have even seen and heard Government Officials use these terms in some of their press conferences but no-one has given an explanation really have they! On Social Media we see the Fact Checkers slap false information on a lot of posts that claim this is "The Great Reset" by "The New World Order" so it can be hard to judge if this is just some ideas gathered as a theory or if it is actually real.  Well to be honest for me I do truly believe in "The New World Order" which I believe is being run by just 4 elitist families that are so rich they basically own the world but hay that is an ...

“Hang On… Big Pharma Are Doing WHAT Now?” That’s CRIMINAL

Pfizer and Big Pharma no end to their level of Criminal ! “Hang On… Big Pharma Are Doing WHAT Now?” That’s CRIMINAL I hope you enjoyed this video from Russell Brand who is trying his best to keep it real and offer unbiased conversation and facts on subjects he speaks on.  I am not going to give to much of my own opinion on this except to say I and many others like myself have been very aware of the payoffs that have been going on from big pharma to the same regulatory bodies that our tax dollars pay to supposedly keep us safe.  I will leave you to be the judge of what you think has been going on as you have the video right here and Russell Brand is not the only one talking about this type of thing.  Stay safe and be a little more critical thinking before you decide to rush in for that booster shot because big pharma and your drug regulatory body just maybe in bed together. There is no money in people being healthy and not needing doctors or drugs! 😉 Something we should a...

South African President tests positive for COVID-19

South African President tests positive for COVID-19 is fully vaccinated! So the vaccinated are at risk of contracting the virus and spreading the virus so why are they banning unvaccinated from society? If you haven't been asking yourself why then you are basically living in a state of denial with a good dose of covid hysteria that the mainstream media and the governments have been feeding you.  Covid is not the thing you should be fearing, you should be questioning why you have been purposely lied to by your government and the health departments time and time again. You need to wake up and see that they do not have your best interest at heart and the covid virus is nothing as scary as they claimed it was.    If the vaccines were the answer to ending this pandemic then why for the first time in history since the Nazi era are vaccinated people being locked away discriminated against and disadvantaged. The Vaccinated should have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated right t...

Hamburg Child 12 Vaccine Death

  Hamburg - 12 year old child dies from covid vaccine! Found this video and although I only speak English so I am unable to translate for you it is obviously a news report on the death of a 12 year old child in Hamburg.  So according to the English subtitles in the video the report goes on to say that it was confirmed by autopsy that the 12 year old did die from the covid vaccine.  Now I have never been an advocate for the rushed rollout of these experimental covid vaccines period due to the speed and verocity they were being implemented and not only that the force of the coercion and blackmail that has been used on people to get them to have not one shot of the experimental covid vaccine but multiple shots. In most countries they are now up to 3 covid vaccine shots and going to 4 in others.  So all these experimental covid-19 vaccine shots are happening in a matter of months not one each year like the flu shot. But when they moved on mandating young children to have...

A Covid Plandemic

 Are We In The Middle Of a Covid Plandemic? PEOPLE IN THE HOSPITAL ARE NOT DYING FROM C0VID SAYS HOSPITAL NURSE! I came across this alert in my email today and thought I would take a look as the title seemed like it warranted further investigation.  So I went to the video and gave it a watch and while the beginning part where the alleged nurse is speaking out about deaths in hospitals not being from the covid virus, I really had to leave it at exactly that alleged, because I cannot verify is she really is a nurse and if she had even worked on the covid wards in any hospital.  Now even though I do say alleged she could very well be what the tittle claims she is, but I cannot verify that so I had to take what she was saying as a possibility yet to be confirmed. You may have a different stronger view and that is welcome here as well. Of course if you do know who this possible Nurse is and could as here to contact me and verify her details I would love to do a live interview ...

Update: Omicron, Myocarditis, Molnupiravir and Transmission

Updated Information about Omicron, Molnupiravir and Transmission This video is a great video which goes over some updated studies on Covid Vaccine Side Effects in regards to Myocarditis and Pericarditis.  The doctor in this video also goes over the new anti-viral drug Molnupiravir and the disappointing data coming from the later trials of this drug.  Dr, Moran also covers the disappointment of the fact that vaccinated people do transmit the virus when they catch it. So covid continues to be the a contentious subject as does the covid vaccines. Watch the video and draw your own conclusions and I will place relevant links to any studies below the video     Links to Studies:  FDA document full details Molnupiravir study: FDA STUDY Hong Kong myocarditis study: Myocarditis Prison transmission study: Transmission Now I am not saying everything this doctor says should be taken as gospel and you may not agree with some of what he is saying ...