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A Covid Plandemic

 Are We In The Middle Of a Covid Plandemic?


I came across this alert in my email today and thought I would take a look as the title seemed like it warranted further investigation. 

So I went to the video and gave it a watch and while the beginning part where the alleged nurse is speaking out about deaths in hospitals not being from the covid virus, I really had to leave it at exactly that alleged, because I cannot verify is she really is a nurse and if she had even worked on the covid wards in any hospital. 

Now even though I do say alleged she could very well be what the tittle claims she is, but I cannot verify that so I had to take what she was saying as a possibility yet to be confirmed. You may have a different stronger view and that is welcome here as well.

Of course if you do know who this possible Nurse is and could as here to contact me and verify her details I would love to do a live interview with her to get the full side of her story along with any factual evidence or data she has to confirm this allegation. 

So the rest of the video was not really much to do with the tittle and touched more on the ideas of depopulation, over population of the planet with snippets of speeches some drastically taken out of context and also some views from medical professionals on the current vaccines and even if the covid vaccines are indeed a vaccine at all. 

I have no way of backing much of what is said in this video as I do not know where they were taken from so cannot link to the original videos from where the speech snippets were taken from, however you may know where some of them are from and if so please feel free to share the links in the comments below to the full speech.

I feel by backing each other up and helping each other confirm or deny information it will help us all stay a little more peaceful and rational with what our steps forward may be during this Plandemic  and yes I do truly believe this was all planned and that is my opinion only. 

You are not obliged to agree with me on that ! 

In my defence the reason I think it is a Plandemic because here in Australia since last year I have watch this virus not move from 38th spot on the table of Leading Causes of Death in Australia. 

So there currently 37 other disease taking more lives then covid in Australia at this current time and we never called a pandemic for any of them. 

As you can see this is from Covid 2020 when there were no vaccines so considering covid didn't even make it into the top 10 it leaves me with he ideal that perhaps this indeed was actually a Plandemic and not a Pandemic. 

I can only assume that covid should have moved even further down the cause of death list in 2021 with all the new and great vaccines that have rolled out right ? 

However I have been unable to find that data on the same Government website , hmmm is what I am left thinking and saying !

The Video Lets get Back to That !

As you can tell the video is really a collection of I guess the greatest hits of those who are against the vaccines and the Plandemic. 

I am however not against the covid vaccines I am actually fine with you or anyone else going and getting the vaccine. What I am against however is the mandating, forcing, coercing and blackmailing emotionally and physical of people to get the vaccine. 

In 2019 we lived in a world that was trying to move past discriminations against people and apologising for history wrongs and here we are in 2021 threatening to lock up unvaccinated people who it now turns out to factually show are no more dangerous then those whom were fully vaccinated at 2 doses and are now no longer considered vaccinated unless they have had their 3rd dose.

So I am left baffled as to why there is so much angst against unvaccinated people for a virus that in 2020 was ranked as only 38 as a cause of death in Australia.

Sometimes I think many of the vaccinated are now so twisted and bitter because they took an experimental vaccine based in good faith from what the non-medical bureaucrats told them only to realise now they had been lied to and could very well have injected a slow release death sentence into their bodies the bodies of their children and convinced friends and loved ones to do the same.

This is of course speculation on my behalf but that sure is what it seems like with the nasty attacking attitudes a lot of these covid vaccinated people seem to have toward anyone who stood their ground and said no to the experimental procedure .

With Pfizer wanting to hide the covid vaccine information from the public for 55 years it begs you to ask the questions WHY? if these covid vaccines are so safe why would the companies want or need to hide the information or restrict it from the public for 55 years. 

Well I have waffled on enough so I will leave it with you and let you make up your own mind. Please share your thoughts below and lets get a healthy discussion happening .

Sandra Lemming    




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