CDC Reveals 79% of Omicron Patients Were "Fully Vaccinated", 32% Had Booster Shots!
Wow what a bombshell this will be for many right. Imagine that the CDC themselves revealing that the majority of people 79% in fact to be infected with the new covid variant Omicron are actually the fully vaccinated, and then to go further and print that 39% had also had a booster shot! 😲😲
This sort of has to make you think right as to what is the point of being vaccinated or even getting the booster shot if it is going to make you sicker with the new variant then if you were not vaccinated.
Basically this Omiccron variant is being used wrongly by the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as a way to use the FEAR PORN campaign of covid that they used so well to force you to rush out and get more shots.
Because they have already purchased way to many doses and the fact is the use by date on this covid vaccine they purchased is about to run out so they needed a way to scare you all into rushing out and getting vaccinated , and those who have had 2 shots to rush out and get a 3rd shot.
If it isn't obvious to you yet that your Governments and Health officials and hundreds of doctors and scientists have been paid off to push a false agenda based on a variant that comes with mild cold like symptoms and no-one has died from yet then you seriously have something wrong with you.
Or you are just happy to live in Denial!!
This Video Talks about the latest info from the CDC - stay to the end of the video and watch the BONUS admission by Facebook in Court!
I will include below the Links that are available with this video that go to the Omicron Studies and the CDC document.
Omicron Study:
So check out the studies and the CDC data so you can stay informed and remember the Omicron is not the scary deadly covid variant they claim it to be , it is just all a way to rush through more shots and possibly even give these Governments a reason to force vaccines on people even when in countries like the US that was blocked in all 50 states by the courts.
Remember stay calm and don't panic
Sandra Lemming
If you could help me out with a small donation so I can keep doing what it is I am doing that would be greatly appreciated... 🙏
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