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CDC - Allegedly Guilty of Scientific Fraud


CDC Revelations: Smoking Gun of Scientific Fraud

Scientific Fraud has been committed by the CDC on the safety of the Covid-19 Vaccines and they are being defended by the deep standing power players in this Pandemic who have also made millions from the pandemic saying the CDC is a political arm an didn't want to create vaccine hesitancy.

So just take that in the CDC who should be transparent with the people of America that was their oath and what they were charged to do Keep Americans safe from bad drugs has chosen to omit and withhold Covid-19 vaccine data from the American people to stop Vaccine hesitancy. 

That is pretty huge when you think about it and makes you wonder just how bad that covid-19 vaccine data actually is. 

Here is the video that sparked this post from me. You can be the judge yourself just remember that one of the people in this video a renowned Doctor before Covid but chose to speak out early in the Pandemic ended up being ostracized, shinned and labelled a conspiracy theorist is actually and has actually been correct this whole time and was not a liar or conspiracy nut after all. 

Now this story did not start with said Doctor whose name I cannot mention for censorship reasons. The story was initially reported on by the new York Time and here is the YouTube channel Fact matter talking about the same data withholding by the CDC 

Thanks for stopping by, What are your thoughts on this latest bombshell drop in the endless stream of contradicting information that is coming out that shows the Covid-19 Vaccines are not safe 


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