Hamburg - 12 year old child dies from covid vaccine! Found this video and although I only speak English so I am unable to translate for you it is obviously a news report on the death of a 12 year old child in Hamburg. So according to the English subtitles in the video the report goes on to say that it was confirmed by autopsy that the 12 year old did die from the covid vaccine. Now I have never been an advocate for the rushed rollout of these experimental covid vaccines period due to the speed and verocity they were being implemented and not only that the force of the coercion and blackmail that has been used on people to get them to have not one shot of the experimental covid vaccine but multiple shots. In most countries they are now up to 3 covid vaccine shots and going to 4 in others. So all these experimental covid-19 vaccine shots are happening in a matter of months not one each year like the flu shot. But when they moved on mandating young children to have...
Hi everyone. This is just a blog where I am sharing things about all things corona from personal opinion to Social Media posts I find that are either truth and factual or down right funny. Please if you enjoy my blog I could use some help to keep it going. Please comment share and if you could donate the cost of a cheap coffee to my PayPal. Cheers. I recently lost my job due to mandates ,business closures and lockdowns as a result of corona
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